Luis Octavio Costa
Luís Octávio Costa is 44 years old and studied Linguistics in Lisbon and graduated in Journalism from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. He interned at the newspaper Público, where he still works. He covered multiple sports competitions around the world until 2010. From then on, he dedicated himself to a new project and helped found P3, a website that he edited until August 2017. In between, he created the P3 Instagram account (currently with 93k followers) , a reference on Instagram in Portugal. He is currently exploring the world for Fugas, a supplement to the newspaper Público. On Instagram, where he has lived since 2011, he signs @kitato and likes to turn the world upside down — or is the world the way it is already? He has already been suggested and highlighted by Instagram and in April 2015 he was chosen by the Huffington Post as one of the ten most creative Instagrammers in the world. He travels further and further — and further and further.
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