Jury 2023


António Fonseca is 53 years old, he is an IT systems consultant by profession and a self-taught photographer by passion. Photography has allways been his major interest over the last 35 years, but in 2012 with the discovery of a new app – Instagram – he began to pay special attention to mobile photography. Since then, he continues to share his 100% mobile images on his Instagram's @tozzzze account on a daily basis, along with always captions that complement the visual aproach. He was co-curator of the IgersLisboa Instagram account from its creation in 2013 until 2015. He has been part of group exhibitions in Águeda, Barreiro, Leiria, Lisbon, Madrid, New York and Viseu. Over these 10 years of activity, he has seen his work stand out in several publications and competitions, having been elected twice as the best rated Portuguese photographer at the MIRA Mobile Prize.