Publication 2019

With the desire to get to know the World – first Philosophy and then Science – there was always the temptation to organize it into categories with the illusion of understanding it better. Guided by the desire for rationality, it seemed that by dividing, separating, classifying, in a way segregating territories, everything would be more intelligible. However, the complexity of the real was betraying and denouncing this ambition.

With due distances, we would say that, metaphorically, the photographs competing in the different categories rebelled against division and became contaminated. It is difficult for the eye to know boundaries beyond those that depend on the subjectivity of the photographer and, therefore, after viewing so many images, we were left with the feeling that a great theme is present in all of them: the human. The human present in reality that is always construction, present in capturing the instant, the vulnerable, the transitory, the perishable, the ephemeral. At a time when so many disturbing questions arise, it was a privilege to come into contact with this manifesto of humanity.

MIRA Mobile Prize 2022